Ground Breaking Ceremony
June 29, 2013
5MW San Lorenzo Wind Farm Project Ground Breaking Ceremony
Brigada Eskwela
May 15, 2017
Activity: Repainting and cleaning of school facilities
Location: Balara Elementary School
Beneficiaries: Elementary Students of Balara Elementary School
Site Visit
Mauban Quezon
Sanchez Mira and Claveria
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Team Building
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Guimaras Team Building
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Company Outing 2015
Company outing in Puerto Galera
A Dash for Love encourages everyone to share their love to our friends from OplanTukhang, a program which aims to reach out and educate people, especially minors, who use illegal drugs.
Recent Update
ISO 9001:2008
Quezon City
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ISO EMS 14001:2004
City, State
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ISO OHSAS 18001:2007
City, State
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